Sandglass filled with a fluid particles system. Each particle is an object defined as a point of light. 500 particles are used here.
Noted that the repulsion factor is max and interaction radius is far higher than the defined particule size. This is to lower the particules ' concentration.
Select the object, press space bar, enter "quick", select quick smoke. Then in "the object tools", select "fire".
All parameters are kept by default except the following :
- lower the "step size" value in the smoke domain material settings (under Integration) otherwise the rendered images will be pixelated. In this video, I set the value to 0.01.
- in the "Smoke High Resolution" (Smoke Domain parameters), set the divisions to a value of 2 and Noise Method to FFT.
- in the SmokeParticles, lower the number from 100000 to 10000
The color change from red to blue is done by inserting key frames on the color ramp ("Smoke heat" texture on the domain)